How to Talk to Your Kids About the Coronavirus


With a global pandemic in full swing, many of us are feeling an underlying sense of stress, anxiety, and fear. But for parents, there's a whole extra dimension to the COVID-19 conundrum: how on Earth do you talk to a kid about it? At 5 Little Monkeys, we strive to be a resource on both healthy sleep and parenting in general, so we'd like to offer a few tips on how to talk to your kids about the coronavirus pandemic.

Tips for Talking to Kids About COVID-19

Struggling to approach the 'rona with your kids? You're not alone. It's hard to know how to talk to children about such a scary event, but it's still important to do so. Here are a few tips to help you approach a conversation about coronavirus with your kids:

  • Start by Gauging Their Knowledge: First, you want to find out what your child already knows. One good way to start is by asking if they've heard adults or other kids in school talking about the new sickness that's going around. This gives you an entry to the conversation that helps you find out what info your child already has and how they're feeling about it.
  • Follow Their Lead: In general, it's a good idea to take a listening approach as much as you can. Kids react differently to news like this, so whether your child is feeling a lot of fear or is disinterested, that's ok – just listen to them and follow their lead on how you treat the subject.
  • Be Comforting, Yet Honest: Regardless of your child's fear level, it's important to be comforting in the conversation. Kids pick up on their parent's worries, so there's no need to add more anxiety than necessary. At the same time, be honest with your child about the gravity of the situation and all the things that you – and even the experts – don't know.
  • Provide Agency: Finally, make sure to communicate to your child that there are steps that the both of you can take. Between washing hands, wearing gloves, and wearing masks, explain that there's lots that you both can do to help slow the spread of the virus and keep everyone safe and healthy. It's a great opportunity to learn a lesson about hygiene, safety, and community care!

Contact Your Children's Mattress Experts

Regardless of how you approach talking to your child about the coronavirus, all of us here at 5 Little Monkeys are hoping that you and your family stay safe, clean, and healthy in this strange and frightening time. And if you ever have questions about how to promote healthy sleep even in the midst of uncertainty, we're always here: just reach out to us at our contact page. No matter where you are or what the situation is in your area, we wish you safety, health, and happiness for the remainder of the outbreak!