Teaching Kids at Home


With the coronavirus lockdown in full effect, many parents are now in the unfamiliar situation of needing to facilitate their children's school and learning at home. That's far from easy – but you're not alone. At 5 Little Monkeys, we've created a parent-approved kid's mattress that's helped countless kids get healthier, more restful sleep, but we strive to be a resource on every aspect of parenting. And if you're unsure of how to teach your kids at home, we're here to help.

Tips for Homeschooling Kids During Quarantine

Suddenly finding yourself stuck with kids in the house and no clue how to educate them? Don't worry: that's a normal feeling. Here are some tips to help you manage the transition and ensure your kids keep learning even in the midst of uncertainty:

  • Start Right Away: If you decide that you're going to homeschool your child yourself, it's important to get started as soon as possible. It may be tempting to delay in order to make a work deadline, but that's a slippery slope: the sooner you start, the easier it'll be.
  • Find the Right Guidebooks: The key to successfully homeschooling is to choose the right guides and textbooks. There are tons of resources online and plenty of books on how to homeschool, many of them written explicitly for parents who have never done it before, so find a few you like to help you.
  • Create Some Physical Markers: While it's great to have a room dedicated solely to class, not everyone has a living space big enough for that. Instead, try creating some physical markers you can take out to signal when class is in session – it could be a sign that you make together or a special mat that you place on the table. A physical marker like this helps delineate between class time and home time and will make it easier for your kids to focus.
  • Set Up a Routine: Finally, remember that kids need and thrive on routine. Create a clearly defined schedule and stick to it, every day. The more consistent your routine, the more successful your homeschooling.

Try Our Non-Toxic Children's Mattress

These tips will help you be successful in homeschooling your kids during the COVID quarantine, and if you still have questions, feel free to reach out to us at our contact page. The quarantine is also a great opportunity to upgrade your child's mattress, and if you're interested in seeing the difference a great mattress can make, our 100 Night Rest Test allows you to try our kid's bed completely risk-free. But no matter how you choose to approach the lockdown, all of us at 5 Little Monkeys are wishing safety, health, and happiness to your whole family during these trying times. And remember, no matter how strange or difficult this may be, we can get through it – together.