Sleep Solutions for Athletic Kids

Every parent knows how important sleep is for their youngster, but it can be easy to forget exactly why and how it affects every aspect of their daily activities, interests, and extracurricular pursuits, especially for young athletes. 5 Little Monkeys provides parents with the tools they need to instill healthy sleep habits in their kids from a young age, as well as information about just how much it pays off to invest in a better sleep system, and the best mattress for kids. Here’s 4 ways that sleep is crucial to your child achieving his or her athletic goals.

1) Growing Stronger, Day and Night
Kids in athletics are practicing every day, building strength and coordination with drills and exercises, and improving their performance over time, but did you know that the only way to lock in these gains is by sleeping? The first four hours of a good night’s sleep releases 50% of a child’s daily growth hormone, building muscle and strengthening all parts of the body to unlock their greatest potential.

2) Preventing Injuries
Getting enough sleep minimizes the risk of injury in sports in two very important ways:
Sleep allows the body to repair any of the minor damage that occurs during a strenuous workout, so that no soreness is exacerbated to the point of injury and recovery is constant.
Sleep is crucial for developing short and long term memory, sharpening reaction time, and improving coordination, all of which prevent accidents which could lead to injury.
Any athlete knows that sports are mental as well as physical, and the right amount of sleep is required to support the mind and body’s daily improvement. Not only will it help keep a young athlete clear-headed and focused, it will keep them safe.

3) How Much Sleep and When?
When a young person balances school, social obligations, sports, and home life, getting enough sleep can feel like an impossible task. Keep these recommendations in mind, and remember that when a full night’s sleep isn’t an option, naps can help make up the difference.
Children ages 6-12 require 9-12 hours of sleep each day.
For teens ages 13-18, 8 to 10 hours of sleep is sufficient.

4) Exercise and Sleep Quality
While exercising 5 hours before bed has been shown to improve sleep quality, exercising right before bedtime does not. Exercise elevates heart rate and adrenaline, which work to keep you awake. Instead, try stretching before bed to wind down, prevent muscle strain and injury, and improve flexibility.

Invest in a better Sleep System
In order to get long, healing, uninterrupted hours of sleep, your child needs a bed that supports their growing body, and keeps them healthy. The 5 Little Monkeys Sleep System offers just that, made with hypoallergenic, organic materials and a removable mattress cover, it is built to usher kids through this critical stage of development and foster positive sleep habits to last a lifetime. Read our reviews or try it risk-free to see for yourself what a difference the Sleep System makes!