How to Work from Home with Kids


With stay-at-home orders in place all across the nation, many adults are getting an abrupt introduction to the lifestyle of working from home. And for parents, that can be more difficult than it sounds! Getting work done while you're at home with your kids may seem like an impossible task, but it is possible. At 5 Little Monkeys, we strive to be a resource on both children's sleep and parenting in general, so here are some tips on how to work from home even if your kids are in the house.

Tips for Working from Home with Kids

Adjusting to working from home is difficult for those who aren't used to it, and the equation gets even more complicated when children are involved. If you're struggling to check anything off your to-do list while your kids are around, here are a few tips to help:

  • Build a Routine & Stick to It: The great danger of working from home is that the normal boundaries of your daily routine are erased – and that's a recipe for zero productivity. To counteract this, create a routine for you and your kids with specific, time-bound activities throughout the day and stick to it religiously. Adding this kind of order will help keep you sane and help you get things done.
  • Build in Blocks Without Disturbance: In keeping with that, it's important to create some solid chunks of time where you won't be interrupted so you can really get in a groove. Think strategically about when you want to place screen time or watching a movie during the day and use it as a chance to get really important work done.
  • Be Kind to Yourself: Finally, remember that no matter how many productivity hacks you try, the truth is that we're all in a new and strange situation right now. Adapting to this change is difficult, and it's important to be compassionate with yourself if productivity falls. Be honest with yourself and your coworkers about what you're dealing with and simply do the best you can.

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We hope these tips help you make some headway in the new paradigm of working from home, and even more importantly, we hope that you and yours are staying safe during these trying times. Feel free to contact us if you have more questions about structuring your work from home routine, or if you'd like to use the quarantine as an opportunity to upgrade your child's mattress, you can order one online to try it risk-free today. We look forward to hearing from you, and we wish you luck as you adapt to the quarantine!