How to Get Your Kids to Sleep in Their Own Bed


Sleep plays a central role in the growth and development of children, but it's also a hotbed for parenting challenges. Any parent knows how easily bedtime can start to feel like a battle, and as kids begin to grow older, another bedtime challenge can emerge: getting your child used to sleeping in their own bed. It's common for kids to sleep with mom and dad when they're very young, and the transition to sleeping alone can be difficult. At 5 Little Monkeys, our mission is to help kids everywhere get better sleep and help make parenting a little easier. Here are our tips on how to get your kids to sleep in their own bed at night.

Tips for Getting Kids to Sleep in Their Own Room

Bedtime blues got you down? If you're ready to reclaim your bedroom and help your child transition to sleeping in theirs, here are a few simple strategies that can help:

  • Stick to a Routine: As with all things related to bedtime, routine is your best friend. Kids thrive on ritual, so create a nightly bedtime routine and stick to it religiously. Turn off all screens, light a candle, draw a warm bath – whatever you choose to include in your routine, be sure to make it concrete and stick with it.
  • Make it Gradual: If your child has yet to start sleeping in their own bed, you'll want to make the change slowly. Start by sleeping on the floor next to your child as they fall asleep, then eventually switch to sitting in a chair until they're asleep, and finally standing in the doorway until they're sleepy and closing the door. This gradual transition helps your child build confidence and feel safe sleeping on their own.
  • 100 Walks: If your child starts in their own room but comes to yours during the night, you'll need to gently – and persistently – remind them where their sleeping place is. Each time your child comes to your room, simply take their hand and gently walk them back to their room. Try to remain relatively neutral, and remember that you may have to walk them back many times before it starts to sink in.

Order a Custom-Made Children's Mattress Online

Finally, remember that kids need a good bed if you expect them to sleep on their own, and unfortunately, most of the options on the market leave a lot to be desired. At 5 Little Monkeys, we've created a sleep system for kids from the ground up, designing a mattress that perfectly supports children's growing bodies for healthy, restful sleep. Try the 5 Little Monkeys Bed for yourself, and if you aren't satisfied after 100 nights, we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked. Chances are, you'll find your child has an easier time sleeping through the night in their own bed – which means you'll get a better night of sleep, as well.