Hilarious Methods Parents Have Tried to Get Their Kids to Sleep


As any parent can attest, sleep is vital to well-being and mood – both yours and your child's. But parents also know that while kids need sleep, they're often less than excited at the prospect when the time comes. At 5 Little Monkeys, we've certainly experienced the difficulty that can come at a child's bedtime firsthand. Our solution was to create a childrens mattress so comfortable it's irresistible to a tired kid. But other parents have had different ideas, and some are crazier than others! The next time you're having trouble putting the kids to bed, consider trying one of these hilarious methods that other parents have used to turn bedtime from a battle into a ball.

Hilarious Ways to Get Your Child to Sleep

Having trouble making bedtime happen? Take a different tact with these hilarious tricks parents have used for putting the kids to sleep:

  • Picking Out PJs: Normally, pajamas are a set part of the routine. But who said they have to be? Play a game where you and your child both pick out pajamas for the other, then put them on right away. You're sure to end up with some silly wardrobes that'll make bedtime more fun for everyone.
  • Hide & Sleep: Instead of going through the routine normally, hide the various items needed (PJs, toothbrush, etc.) in silly places around the house. Then, have your child search them out and use each one as soon as its found. By the end, they'll be ready for bed without even realizing it.
  • Brushing Bender: Instead of brushing your own teeth, try brushing each other's teeth. Your child may be used to you brushing their teeth, but the chance to brush yours will surely make bedtime more inviting!
  • Sign Language: No more words – you and your child can only communicate through gestures and hand signals during the bedtime routine. Chances are, you'll both have some laughs as you struggle to see what the other is saying.
  • Why So Serious: This may seem easy, but it almost always ends in laughter. The rules are simple: have the most serious bedtime ever. No laughing. No smiling. Give it a try and see how long you both last!

Order Our Kids Mattress Online Today

We hope these silly tricks help make bedtime a little easier and more fun in your house, and we encourage you to give them a try and let us know how they turn out. In the meantime, it's crucial to remember that your child's bed is just as important as their bedtime routine for the quality of their sleep. At 5 Little Monkeys, we've built a complete sleep system designed from the ground up to support kids growing bodies. See the difference that great sleep can make: order the 5 Little Monkeys Bed online today!