Essential Oils for Kids’ Sleep


At 5 Little Monkeys, we're proud to offer one of the best kid's mattresses out there, and we've made it our mission to help more kids experience the transformative power of healthy sleep. But your child's mattress isn't the only factor that contributes to great sleep, and there are a lot of steps we can take as parents to help children sleep better. One helpful trick is using essential oils to calm and soothe your child through aromatherapy – and these are some of the best essential oils to help kids sleep.

The Best Essential Oils to Help Kids Sleep

Essential oils can be a polarizing subject, with some people claiming that they're life-changing while others believe that "essential" is another word for "snake." But in our own experience, while essential oils aren't necessarily a cure-all, they can be very powerful for calming the body and helping someone relax into sleep, including a child. If you're looking for a way to improve your child's bedtime routine for a better night's sleep, it may be worth adding these essential oils to the mix:

  • Lavender: Lavender is one of the go-to herbs for relaxation, so it's no surprise that it's one of the best essential oils for promoting sleep. Dab a bit of diluted lavender oil on your child's chest or upper lip to help them drift off to dreamland.
  • Frankincense: This aromatic resin is made from trees native to Africa and Asia. It's been used as incense since biblical times, but Frankincense oil also works as a great sleep aid.
  • Chamomile: The tiny yellow flowers of chamomile are known all over to make a relaxing tea, but the same principle applies in oil form. Chamomile oil is a great way to gently soothe your child and prepare them for bed.

Try Our World-Class Kids Mattress

Essential oils may not be right for every child, but they can offer a simple, powerful way to help your child get better sleep. Give them a try in your bedtime routine and see if they work for you – but don't forget that no amount of essential oils can make up for a low-quality mattress. Your child's mattress dramatically affects the quality of their sleep, and if you're ready to upgrade to a better one, we can help. Give your child the gift of restful, healthy sleep and try our children's mattress today!