Back to School Sleep Routine


The start of this school year is certainly different than those of years past. Even though school looks different for many of us this year that doesn’t mean the back to school routines should be that different.

If you’re like many families out there, the struggle to get back into a reliable routine when school is back in session is a tall order. Here are some friendly tips to get back into the swing of a school sleep routine:

Establish a Bedtime Routine

Create, and stick to, a relaxing bedtime routine that includes some “quiet time” to allow your child to wind down. Include relaxing activities like a calming bath and bedtime story for littler ones and some reading time for older children.

Have a Cutoff Time for Sleep Disturbing Habits

Having big meals, caffeine in sodas, or watching television too late in the day can disturb how well we sleep at night. Ensuring that these sleep disruptors have an appropriate cutoff time will help everyone at home fall asleep sooner and easier and stay asleep longer.

Stick to a Schedule

Once you’ve established a reliable bedtime routine do your best to help everyone, including yourself, stick with it. Weekends end up being eaten up because they’re used to “catch up on sleep”. While this is a tempting habit to begin, do your best to not slip into that sticky trap.

Peace and Tranquility

Keeping your bedroom as well as your kiddo’s bedroom calm and peaceful is another small, yet important aspect to achieving a great night's sleep. Ensuring the room is dark, the room temperature isn’t too hot or too cold, as well as a comfortable bed are all keys to successfully falling and staying asleep more regularly.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

In so many aspects of a parent’s life being a good role model is key to helping their child find success. This is another one of those instances where being a good role model is important. Create your own regular sleep cycle and maintain a home lifestyle that promotes healthy sleep habits.

The Right Mattress Can Make All the Difference

Just as you need the right mattress to achieve optimal sleep, so does your child. Help them achieve a great night's sleep by providing them with a children’s mattress that’s made just for them. Our sleep system is designed with children and parents in mind. Our waterproof kids mattress can handle nighttime mishaps of all sizes as well as a spilled glass of water or juice and anything in between. If your little monkey is struggling to fall or stay asleep consider investing in a mattress made for kids.