Why Your Child Needs a Non-Toxic Mattress


At 5 Little Monkeys, we're on a mission to help kids everywhere experience the life-changing power of truly healthy, restful sleep. Achieving that kind of sleep requires a high-quality children's mattress that's designed to give kids' growing bodies the support they need for healthy sleep. But it's not just support that matters here: the chemical content of a mattress can also have long-term effects on a child's sleep and overall health. That's why it's so important for your child to sleep on a non-toxic mattress.

The Benefits of a Non-Toxic Mattress

A bed is synonymous with comfort, rest, and rejuvenation, so it's easy to assume that if a bed is comfortable, it's good for our body. But unfortunately, the picture is a little more complicated than that. Many beds are made from chemicals like petroleum-derived foams and other compounds that are related to plastic. These chemicals can do something called "off-gassing," which means that they release gases over time, many of which can be harsh, toxic chemicals. Some materials can off-gas for years, and if those gases are coming out of our bed, it means we're breathing them as we sleep at night. Even if a mattress isn't made from materials that off-gas, it may have flame retardant chemicals that can also cause serious damage to a child's developmental processes.

So what's a parent to do? The best course of action is to only buy children's mattresses that meet certain non-toxic standards. This ensures that the mattress was constructed and treated using compounds that adhere to a specific, stringent standard non-toxicity, helping to limit your child's exposure to toxic chemicals. Here are a few trustworthy standards you can look for when shopping for a children's bed:

  • Oeko-Tex
  • GOLS
  • Green America

Mattresses that meet these standards are built without the use of harsh flame retardants or materials that off-gas dangerous chemicals, which will help your child sleep better and safeguard against the negative consequences that can come from long-term toxin exposure.

Try Our Non-Toxic Children's Mattress

Of course, if you're looking for a non-toxic kid's bed, you've come to the right place! The 5 Little Monkeys bed is made with organic materials and certified non-toxic, so you can trust your child to be safe sleeping on it. Ready to see the difference that healthy sleep can make in your child's life? Try our mattress risk-free and order online today!